Marywood hosts Eco-Spirituality and Interconnection: The Eternal Web | Winter Weekend Retreat
February 14 - February 16
What must you know about yourself in order to continue to grow as part of the Earth
Marywood staff invite you to explore the answer to this vital question during our winter weekend
session of Eco-Spirituality and Interconnection: The Eternal Web. Join us February 14-16 as we
turn inward to learn more about what it means to us to experience life as embodied beings and
ponder the evolution of our own images of the Ground of All Being.
We’ll gather at 4:00 pm on February 14th and depart at noon on the 16th. Please bring warm
clothing for activities among the frosted trees and frozen lake. If you have not read Victoria
Loorz’s book Church of the Wild, please consider getting a copy prior to the retreat. Lodging
onsite is encouraged in one of Marywood’s comfortable cabins (private bedroom in a shared
cabin). All retreatants are invited to dine with the hosts. The investment is $400 with lodging or
$280 for commuters. Scholarships are available. Free to Veterans, their spouses, and their caregivers through Vilas County Veteran Services Office.
We look forward to connecting with you for this rich experience of winter reflection and
conversation. To register and/or inquire, contact Marywood by emailing [email protected] or by calling 715-385-3750.
Find more events in Boulder Junction and northern Wisconsin here.