Join the Chamber
For Your Business and Your Community
Our mission is to develop and promote Boulder Junction as a vibrant, innovative, and welcoming destination. As a member of the Chamber of Commerce, you are helping us to achieve that mission as well as joining a community of like-minded businesses committed to the support and growth of the area. To better serve our community, we have sought out and listened to your feedback and have created NEW, tiered membership levels so that we can support you in a way that best fits your business needs.
Chamber Benefits
- Lodging Listing (FREE):
- Please note, this membership level is available ONLY to lodging facilities collecting and remitting Boulder Junction room tax.
- A free listing in our Boulder Junction Visitor Guide with 25,000 copies produced and distributed annually and thousands more downloaded from our website.
- Have your promotional materials on display in the Chamber Office/Visitor Center with over 3,500 visitors annually.
- Referrals to visitors and community members.
- Receive weekly lists of inquiries upon request.
- Weekly community e-newsletter (Musky Musings).
- Free listings do not have voting rights at the annual membership meeting of the Boulder Junction Chamber of Commerce.
- Basic Membership (Business $310/Non-profit $75):
- A free listing on BoulderJct.org featuring your business’s description, up to five photos, and links back to your website or social media page. BoulderJct.org gets over 120,000 unique visitors annually (nearly 350,000 pageviews!).
- A free listing in our Boulder Junction Visitor Guide with 25,000 copies produced and distributed annually and thousands more downloaded from our website. Listings are limited to 250 characters.
- At least 4 guaranteed mentions or business spotlights on social media per year with tags to your social media if available (or linked back to your listing on our website if not). The Boulder Junction Chamber of Commerce Facebook page currently has 36,400 followers with an average weekly post reach of 62,000 people and growing.
- Have your promotional materials on display in the Chamber Office/Visitor Center with over 3,500 visitors annually.
- Additional advertising and sponsorship opportunities in Visitor Guide, monthly emails to 12,000 visitors, and signature events.
- A free business listing on travelwi.com and vilas.org.
- Opportunity to post job listings on BoulderJct.org.
- Weekly community e-newsletter (Musky Musings).
- Your events posted on the event calendar on BoulderJct.org. Each member may choose up to 4 events annually to have listed as “Featured Events” on the website, ensuring they show up first in search results. Featured events are subject to availability and will be given on a first come, first served basis.
- Your events and promotions listed in the Musky Musings newsletter, going to over 300 members and community members weekly.
- Access to marketing materials featuring your business created by our marketing agency.
- Referrals to visitors and community members.
- Receive weekly lists of inquiries upon request.
- Voting rights as outlined in the bylaws of the Boulder Junction Chamber of Commerce to help guide the organization.
- Enhanced Membership (Business $500/Non-Profit $150):
- All benefits as listed in the Basic Membership, PLUS:
- A free listing on BoulderJct.org featuring your business’s description, up to 10 photos, and links back to your website or social media page. BoulderJct.org gets over 120,000 unique visitors annually (nearly 350,000 pageviews!).
- Add your brochure, menu, or other informational piece to your website listing.
- At least 8 guaranteed mentions or business spotlights on social media per year with tags to your social media if available (or linked back to your listing on our website if not).
- Add Boulder Junction Chamber of Commerce as a “co-host” to your Facebook events, reaching our followers as well as your own.
- Your events posted on the event calendar on BoulderJct.org. Each member may choose up to 6 events annually to have listed as “Featured Events” on the website, ensuring they show up first in search results. Featured events are subject to availability and will be given on a first come, first served basis.
- A free expanded listing in our Boulder Junction Visitor Guide with 25,000 copies produced and distributed annually and thousands more downloaded from our website. Listings are limited to 500 characters.
- Send us your press releases and we will send to our network of media and advertisers.
- Your events featured on the digital sign in front of the chamber (subject to additional criteria).
- Guaranteed mentions in at least 6 website articles annually.
Marketing Dollars
Simply put, chamber membership is an incredible value. In fact, it is probably the best single value for your advertising and promotional dollars. Chamber staff answer these thousands of inquiries by referring travelers and prospective residents to chamber member businesses. In addition to serving as the primary information source for traveler information, the Boulder Junction Chamber of Commerce:
- Executes a complete year-long marketing and public relations program promoting Boulder Junction through print, broadcast, and web-based media
- Applies for Wisconsin Department of Tourism JEM grants to promote Boulder Junction
- Sponsors and facilitates community events, such as the Christmas Walk, Musky Jamboree, Colorama, Star Spangled Jubilee and more
- Distributes up-to-date seasonal reporting via email, newsletters, website, and social media platforms.
- Attends numerous sports shows in Wisconsin & Illinois
- Participates in county and regional promotions
Join Today
To join the chamber, simply contact the office at (715) 385-2400 or [email protected]. You can also stop by our friendly log-cabin office downtown during business hours – located at 5352 Park Street (County Hwy M). Join the Boulder Junction Chamber of Commerce today—for your community and your business.
Forms and Information
2024 New Membership Application
2024 Membership Renewal Application