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Bill Sherer’s We Tie It Fly Shop

Business Type: Adventure, Apparel, Art & Art Gallery, Education, Fishing Guide, Recreational, Shopping, Sporting Goods, Watercraft

Address: 5570 County Rd. M, Boulder Junction, WI 54512

Phone:  (715) 385-0171

Contact: Bill Sherer


Bill Sherer’s We Tie It Fly Shop: Quality Fly Fishing Tackle, and Flies, Fly Casting and Tying Lessons, Guide Service offering boat, wade, and float trips. Featuring Northwoods Inflatables pontoon raft sales & service. We repair all rods. North of town on Highway M.


Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm

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Bill Sherer
Fly Fishing Guide, Bill Sherer’s We Tie It Fly Shop

Since the 1970s, I have enjoyed fishing and biking when I get the chance, but just sitting on my patio, listening to the wind in the trees, the birds at my feeders and the solitude of the forest pleases me as much as almost anything else. We are a tight knit community centered on fishing - Boulder Junction is first and foremost a fishing village, that is our claim to fame! All other enterprises within our town are supportive of that concept, they are all welcomed and fit very nicely with our image, all the businesses within Boulder Junction support each other and could not exist to the same extent without that support. Enhancements like the silent sports trails and recreational opportunities are also a huge benefit to our town we are making a difference in the region and other towns are following our lead - it's nice to be recognized as a leader in outdoor recreation in our region. Um, I really don't have much free time.

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