Boulder Junction Trading Company
Business Type: Antiques, Apparel, Gifts, Home, Jewelry, Shopping
Address: 10382 Main Street, Boulder Junction, WI 54512
Phone: (715) 385-2121
Contact: Janny Thomas
The store that has something for everyone! Women’s apparel, jewelry, gift & home accessories unique to the Northwoods, gourmet foods, wines, Christmas decor, toys & candles.
Summer (June, July, August):
Monday - Saturday 10am-5pm
Sunday 11am-4pm
Closed for the month of April.
Off season hours vary, call ahead for the most up to date information.

Janny Thomas
Owner, Boulder Junction Trading Company
I go way back … owned a restaurant & worked at Coontail for 15 years prior to opening Boulder Junction Trading Company. Boulder Junction is very community minded and the feeling of being part of this community brings me warmth. Our number one priority at Boulder Junction Trading Company is our customers. They can expect to find unique items they would not find at home, with plenty of samples and hands on opportunities to test products.