Musky Capital of the World Musky Tournament
August 8 @ 10:00 am - August 9 @ 5:00 pm

Join us for the Musky Capital of the World Musky Tournament. Taking place on numerous lakes on August 8th and 9th. This is a two-person catch and release tournament. Registration and information can be found at www.muskyjamboree.com under the Musky Tournament tab after June 1st.
- Tournament cost is $150 per two person team plus any applicable processing fees.
- Any angler under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian sign for them.
- Registration needs to be done through the fishdonkey app
- Prizes will be awarded as followed (based on 30 teams, prizes will be prorated if fewer teams register):
- 1st place team: $1,000 and plaques
- 2nd place team: $500 and plaques
- 3rd place team: $300 and plaques
- Full list of lakes on the musky jamboree website
- Check-in Friday, August 8th from 10am-12:30pm at the tournament tent in front of the Boulder Junction Chamber of Commerce
Find more events in Boulder Junction and northern Wisconsin here.